They frequently have large leaves (up to 6 inches long) that are brightly colored in various shades of green, red, silver, and even purple. Purchase tubers (bulbs) by mid winter. Cold hardy tuberous begonia (Begonia grandis var. Begonias can also be grown as an annual if you desire. Probably the quickest way to kill a begonia is too much water. Tuberous begonias are perfect for growing in pots, while fibrous rooted types are best for bedding displays and hanging begonias are best suited to hanging basket displays. The soil should remain moist at all times, but not too wet, as this can cause rot. Start Indoors For Best Blooms Plus, they bloom in glorious shades of bright red, pink, coral, yellow, orange, and everything in between to suit all color preferences. Typically used as houseplants and in shaded summer beds, begonias have tropical and subtropical origins. Tubers should sprout in about 4 weeks and be moved to an area with bright light once the sprouts are about an inch tall. Mixed container. As mentioned, begonias like to be root bound. Easiest Roses To Grow: Foolproof Rose Growing Guide, 8 Rules for Healthy Houseplants That Everyone Should Know, 15 Low Maintenance & Pet Friendly Houseplants. Plant each begonia tuber in the vermiculite, setting the tuber so the side with the depression is facing upward. The 5-IN-1 (shown right) with its’ adapter plates, can quickly dig planting holes for bulbs and annuals 2″, 4″ and even 6″ deep…all from a comfortable, standing position. Once they develop roots, they can be … If your summers get too hot, plant begonias where there is afternoon shade. When the plants have one or two leaves, transplant them into individual 8” pots or combine several in a larger container. Begonias can be planted right in the garden for a summer full of flowers or even in a pot. Plant begonia tubers about 1 inch deep and about 10 to 12 inches apart. How to Plant Begonias. Water and feed the begonias after transplanting. Begonias grow beautifully with some other shady border plants, such as impatiens, summer blooming oxalis, caladiums, coleus and tuberous rooted begonias. Potted begonias prefer to be slightly root-bound rather than given too much room. How to Plant Place the rounded side of the begonia tuber facing down in well-drained potting soil. Surefire® begonias are lower maintenance too, and don’t require any deadheading. They also have some of the most interesting leaves and stems and are often grown as houseplants. There are hundreds of varieties to choose from, but all tuberous begonias require the same care. Discover unique garden products curated by the Garden Design editors, plus items you can use to solve problems in your garden right now, and best sellers from around the web. Transplant after all threat of frost has passed, as they are extremely frost tender and even temperatures below 50 degrees can cause damage. Since begonias need to be planted in early spring, the best time to find a good selection is during the winter. Stem rot and rhizome rot can be caused by overwatering and soggy soil. In warmer climates, this is best done in spring. Although typically on the smaller side, begonia plants pack a big punch of color and interest. Tuberous begonias will naturally die back each year. Also known as winter-flowering begonias, Riegers are usually grown as houseplants. See more Common Poisonous Plants for Dogs and Cats. The begonia season runs summer and late autumn before winter frosts and all year round as houseplants. For plants grown strictly for their foliage, like angel wings, use a fertilizer that is higher in nitrogen. Whichever way you choose to grow begonias, the instructions below will be the same! Begonias are popular in flowerbeds, hanging baskets, as container plants on a patio or deck, and as indoor house plants. Varieties differ, from 6- to 12-inch houseplants to bushy plants 5 feet tall or more. The hollow side of the bulb should face up. Surefire ® Rose — Buy now from Proven WinnersBegonia benariensis, 12 to 24 inches tall, 18 to 24 inches wide, Pink flowers over dark green to bronze leaves. Begonias are annual flowers and they grow quickly and fill up a lot of space in empty gardens. There are two general types of begonias: those grown from seeds, and those grown from tubers/bulbs. These plants are grown almost exclusively … Angel wing begonias, named for their wing-shaped leaves, also belong to this group. Place the tray in a dark room and water just enough to keep the potting mix moist, but not soggy. Duress will show in the form of brown edges … Make sure the soil is well draining as well. To plant non-stop begonias in a container, fill a clean planting container with humus rich potting soil. Above: Begonia rex ‘Red Tango’ mixes well with other shade- and humidity-loving plants such as asparagus ferns and geraniums. I then take a pencil or pen and use the point to make little holes 1/4 inch deep or so, at regular spacing, about 1/2 inch apart for the seedlings to go into. Another popular type, tuberous begonias have spectacular colorful flowers, and are particularly showy in hanging baskets or containers. * Required FieldsWe will never sell or distribute your email to any other parties or organizations. Bloom times may also vary if grown indoors and some types bloom all year. Select a type of begonia to plant. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. Photo by: Proven Winners. With an upright growth habit and segmented stems, cane types have beautiful foliage and bloom in a wide array of colors. Regular watering is important for healthy plants. 10 Indoor Gardening Ideas You Have to Try! On this page: Grow begonias in peat-feee, multi-purpose compost in dappled sunshine to partial shade. The Summerwings® series is also available in shades of red, coral, pale yellow and white. Dig the hole as deep as the plant is tall. Transplant the tubers to a 5 inch diameter pot once the stems are 1 inch tall. Take a few stem cuttings about 4 inches long each from your favorite plant, dip each in rooting hormone, and plant them in moist peat moss. For a softer flower shade, this series also includes pink and white selections. Step 5: Plant the Sprouts. Wax begonias are not as affected by day length as tuberous begonias, but still grow and bloom more abundantly when grown under 14-hour days. Dig up the tubers at the first threat of frost. Plant the tubers 1” deep in moist growing mix and water sparingly. Although there can be some challenges, many will do quite well indoors. When the plant’s roots hold all of the soil, it’s time for a transplant. Dragon Wing® Red — Buy now from Proven WinnersAngel wing hybrid. An extremely popular variety that makes a great houseplant, this begonia gets its name from the unique snail-like foliage pattern. Most varieties 9-11, but commonly grown as an annual or houseplant. Susceptible to powdery mildew, mealy bugs, mites, thrips, and whitefly. This will to help prevent stress, which causes the leaves to drop. It usually takes about 3 months for the tubers to wake up, leaf out and begin flowering. Both varieties come in many color options including shades of pink, white, purple, yellow, and red. Make sure, however, that water does not sit in the depression of the corms, as this could lead to rotting. If any burning occurs when grown in a south-facing window, move the plant farther from the window. The key to getting a big plant with tons of blooms is getting an early start. The ending of the story about how I acquired the hardy begonias in my garden is a little sad, but provides an important lesson in how to care for these plants. Some are grown for their asymmetrical, patterned and variegated foliage, and others to add color to shady garden areas with their bright blooms. Let them dry out slightly between waterings. See below for information on growing as houseplants. I use 6-inch pots, but you can use 4-inch peat pots, or any container larger than 4 inches. How to Grow Begonia Flowers Perennial, Begoniaceae. Wax begonias are typically grown as annuals, reaching 6 to 12 inches tall and wide. Planting, growing and caring for these shade garden and houseplant superstars, Sign up for weekly gardening inspiration and design tips. These are tropical begonias, meaning they should be grown as houseplants (unless you live in a tropical climate!). Now that you know how to grow begonias, you can be on your way to having a garden full of beautiful flowers. Once warmer temperatures return, reverse the process and move them back outside. Common Poisonous Plants for Dogs and Cats. Versatile in sun or shade and more vigorous than older varieties. Begonias need a sheltered position with moist yet well-drained soil and will grow in semi shade and bright, indirect sunlight is preferred.They are tender perennials with hardiness ratings of RHS H1B to H2, and are suitable for gardens in USDA zones 10a-12. Cuttings may be propagated for additional plants. For general growing purposes, apply a balanced water-soluble fertilizer once a month in the growing season. A smaller begonia, that is big on color. Wax begonias make a colorful, compact edging for flower beds. Another heat-tolerant variety that blooms all summer. Slowly acclimate them to their new inside location by first placing in a bright window and gradually decreasing the amount of light. For earlier blooms, start your begonias indoors, eight weeks before the last frost date. Water at the base of the plant to keep the foliage dry and prevent leaf spot and fungal diseases. For optimal growth, plant the begonias 8 inches apart or 8 inches from the nearest plant. They can handle being a little on the dry side and prefer semi-shade. . Find a Garden Center that carries Proven Winners plants & products. They are not toxic to humans, although may cause allergic reactions. How to Sow Begonias. 10 Tips for Growing Tomatoes in Your Garden, Radish Growing Problems: Treating Radish Diseases. Plant wax begonia transplants 6 to 8 inches apart and others according to their mature size. Fill the pot with a moist potting soil, leaving a 1 inch space between the top of the pot and the top of the soil. Gently push the corms into place and once planted, water thoroughly. Yellow flowers; green foliage with prominent light-colored veins. As with other types of bulbs, a begonia tuber is filled with stored food energy that the young plant will use to fuel its growth. Keep soil moist at all times, especially during hot summer months. More about the newsletter. Varies, with the most common types, wax and tuberous begonias, blooming from early summer until frost. Plant in a sheltered spot as begonias are fragile and easily damaged by wind or trampling by people or pets. To prevent powdery mildew, lightly dust them with sulfur powder and store individually in paper bags or wrapped in newspaper. East-, west-, or south-facing windows are best. Select a location that gets partial shade or filtered sunlight; with morning sun and afternoon shade being the best, especially where it is exceptionally hot. Tubers can be started indoors by placing the tubers, hollow side up, 1 inch apart in a shallow tray with moist potting mix. Sturdy bloomers available in a range of colors including shades of yellow, red, orange, apricot, pink, and white. All in all, begonias are not hard to grow and they're very easy to grow! This cane type can be brought inside over winter as a houseplant. Now, that's one versatile plant! These are robust plants; they come in many sizes, colours and leaf shapes, and bear flowers for many months. A subgroup of rhizomatous, Rex begonias (Begonia rex), are widely available, sold by florists and garden centers year-round, and generally reach 12 to 18 inches tall and wide. They grow 12 to 18 inches tall and wide and thrive in part shade to full shade locations. Among the various types of begonias, the Begonia rex are some of the most beautiful and stunning plants. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for websites to earn referral/advertising fees by advertising and linking to Unlike many other types of plants, begonias have separate male and female flowers. They’ll bloom from early summer until frost with clusters of slightly fragrant, light pink flowers, and they have large heart-shaped medium green leaves. Wait to repot until the container is filled with roots. Pegasus® Begonia hybrid, Sweet Caroline Raven sweet potato vine, Proven Accents® Lemon Coral® sedum. Easy to grow begonias, are popular grown indoors or out. Whichever way you choose to grow begonias, the instructions below will be the same! Keep in mind that all types of begonias can be grown from seed. That’s 4 inches deep and wide. Nonstop® Yellow — Buy now from Proven WinnersTuberous (Begonia x tuberhybrida), 8 to 12 inches tall and 12 to 16 inches wide. Begonias are toxic to pets, with the tubers being the most poisonous part. Pegasus® — Buy now from Proven WinnersBegonia hybrid, 12 to 18 inches tall, 16 to 18 inches wide. It is one of America's favorite flowers. Sizes vary from just a few inches to large plants up to 3 feet tall and wide. Photo by: Bozhena Melnyk / Plants will die back completely in the fall and reappear in late spring the following year. The largest class, rhizomatous begonias are distinguished by relatively thick stems, or rhizomes, that grow horizontally near the soil surface and sprout new roots and leaves. Begonias make for some beautiful garden decor and they're relatively easy to grow and care for! Mix-n-match plants with contrasting leaf colors, shapes and textures for a unique container combination. In addition to cutting them back, check for signs of pests or disease before moving them indoors. Begonias are some of the easiest plants to grow in containers. Provide it with light shade, rich well-drained soil, ample water, and plenty of fertilizer—and you’ll be rewarded with stunning flowers and foliage. Begonias are generally hardy in zones 9 & 10, and in colder zones (2 - 8), they can be grown as annuals and overwintered indoors to grow year after year. These days most begonia seed packs contain pelleted seed. Begonia grandis varieties are cold-hardy plants suitable for Zones 6 to 9. If there is still loose soil, allow the begonia to grow more. Pale pink flowers; small, chocolate to bronze-red leaves with bright green markings resembling paws. * Required | We will never sell or distribute your email to any other parties or organizations. Photo by: Dwi Windaryanto /, Pink flowers, swirled silver and dark green foliage. Surefire® Rose begonia (Begonia benariensis). If you purchase a product via those links through Amazon, Amazon will pay us a referral fee, at no extra cost to you. document.write(theDate.getFullYear()) Grows well indoors or out, in containers, hanging baskets or flower beds. Begonias grow well in USDA Zones 9 to 11, while the hardy varieties can grow in zones 6-9. Place the tray in a dark room and water just enough to keep the potting mix moist, but not soggy. A vigorous and heat-tolerant variety that flowers all summer. Morning and afternoon sun is best. Plant in a location where they will have good air circulation to prevent powdery mildew. They bloom best with short days and cool temperatures, and will often bloom for up to six months. Annual begonias can be cut back and grown inside in the winter months. If you would like, dig the hole deeper and add some compost right under the roots. Their distinct foliage makes them a popular houseplant, but they can be finicky. The Begonias need the space to spread their roots. Get planting advice, garden design tips and trends, monthly checklists for your area, product specials and more in our weekly newsletter. For sunnier locations, try a dark-leaved variety or one that specifies improved sun tolerance, like Surefire® Rose. Learn how to grow begonias with this easy to follow gardening guide and be on your way to having a beautiful, flower-filled garden! Set the plants at the same depth they were growing in the small pots. Use upright varieties with unique foliage for a container centerpiece. Copyright For all types, deadheading spent begonia flowers keeps plants clean and healthy, as well as promotes more blooms. Growing Tips For Begonias Begonia foliage emerges weeks after planting—and then come the flowers. If they are kept cool, you may notice they can tolerate a longer time without water. Photo by Proven Winners. Plant wax begonia transplants 6 to 8 inches apart and others according to their mature size. Start decreasing water in late summer to early fall and trim back foliage when it starts to yellow. Discover the right plants for your garden. All Rights Reserved. Trailing and mounding varieties look great in pots, window boxes and hanging baskets. Place where dry air from heater vents won’t blow directly on them. Only plant outdoors when there is no longer a threat of frost. Water often and make sure soil is always moist. As an alternative, they grow well under grow lights. Scarlet-orange flowers, medium green leaves. Basics | Types | Planting | Care | Growing as Houseplants | Begonia Varieties | Design Ideas | FAQs. When to plant begonias. Deadhead and pinch back regularly to make sure more flowers grow. Depending on the type, begonia can tolerate shade, partial shade, or full sun as long as it’s not too hot. They are popular and well-suited as houseplants, but can also be grown outside. They also have a larger growth habit than wax begonias, growing 12 to 18 inches tall as houseplants and up to 3 feet or more in outdoor containers. Begonia plants are typically under 1 foot tall, with loads of colorful flowers up to 4 inches wide. Not only are tuberous Begonias easy to grow, but they can exhibit an upright or trailing growth habit depending on the variety, making them perfect for a wide range of displays. Only repot when necessary, and preferably in spring before plants are moved outside and start actively growing. This will be clearly obvious if you gently remove the plant from its pot. The most common are Begonia semperflorens varieties, also called wax, annual, or bedding begonias. Select darker-leaved varieties or types with improved heat and sun tolerance for sunnier spots. On most varieties, the males come out first in the flower cluster. You may want to look through a catalog or browse online to determine what type of begonias to plant. An eye-catching choice for a container ‘spiller.’ Shown here peeking out from under Illusion® Emerald Lace sweet potato vine. There are hundreds of cultivars of B. rex to choose among, usually classified by leaf size—small (three inches or less), medium (three to six inches), or large (more than six inches). Save your plastic containers, like yogurt or sour cream and reuse them over and over. They can handle some drought, but will perform their best with regular watering. Saxifraga stolonifera, often called strawberry begonia, has a similar leaf structure — fuzzy, with green and silver variegation and hints of red — but isn’t a true begonia. It spreads like a strawberry plant by sending out runners, or stolons. If you're looking for a beautiful flower to fill your garden with, begonias are your best bet! Water regularly and feed weekly with a high potash fertiliser like tomato feed. Preferably replanting happens around 2 inches, but sometimes life happens and the sprouts will be taller. From tools to furniture, these garden products are sure to delight. If your summers get too hot, plant begonias where there is afternoon shade. This group of warm-loving plants was originally found in the forest understory in tropical and subtropical areas. Give them a boost of humidity by setting the pots in a pebble tray (a low tray or saucer filled with pebbles and water, with the pot sitting on top of the pebbles and not directly in the water). Planting Begonias: Choose a good quality potting soil and a spot with full sun or shade. Cover the bulb with 1/2 inch of soil. Pelleted seed on left, uncoated seeds on right. These shade-loving plants bring mounds of color when planted under trees or tucked in planters, hanging baskets, or window boxes. All begonias like evenly moist, well-draining soil with some added organic matter. In cooler climates, you can do this in fall as a clean-up before bringing them inside for the winter. Transplant the begonia plants to the garden bed or to outdoor planting containers after the danger of frost. Tubers can be started indoors by placing the tubers, hollow side up, 1 inch apart in a shallow tray with moist potting mix. var theDate=new Date() Care is simple, leaves will be prettiest when given good light and moderate humidity. Begonias can be planted right in the garden for a summer full of flowers or even in a pot. evansiana)Photo by: Tim Ludwig / Millette Photomedia. They're wonderful in summer flower beds or containers, especially when combined with ferns and other semi-shade companions. Choose a good quality potting soil and a spot with full sun or shade. The seed-started begonias tend to be a bit smaller and difficult to grow, while bulb begonias are sturdier and larger plants. Clean any remaining dirt from the tubers and dry them on newspaper in a sunny location for about a week. Sometimes called painted-leaf begonias or fancy-leaf begonias, these plants are known for their showy, sometimes jaw-dropping leaf coloration. Their size varies with growing conditions, from 6- to 12-inch houseplants to bushy plants up to 5 feet. Though begonias like an environment similar to that for African violets and other houseplants, their thinner leaves means they are less tolerant of extremes than other, thicker-leaved plants. First, always plant begonia corms concave side up (depression on top) either slightly above or level with the compost/soil surface. Even the most demanding and difficult to grow varieties have the same procedure for germination and transplanting. Begonias have been around for ages, and with good reason: This easy-to-grow annual does well in a variety of conditions and needs little to thrive. Rhizomatous and wax types don’t die back and are usually pinched or lightly pruned each year to keep them healthy and encourage full, but compact growth. This selection makes an exceptional ‘thriller’ in containers and is also adaptable as a houseplant. 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