In addition, it’s a great way to see your dogs reaction and if he’s gonna have some side effects. When they get about 5-8 inch long I pinch them off and plant them in warm weather. You can eat a sweet potato with the peel on or off. As mentioned earlier, do not serve raw sweet potato as it can lead to upset and inflamed stomach. Most pups enjoy a nibble of a tasty cooked sweet potato and these root vegetables are a healthy snack for pups. What are sweet potatoes? Can Dogs Eat Red, Russet, and Purple Potatoes All of these potato varieties are fine in small amounts. Find out more about sweet potatoes for dogs in our Food Facts feature HERE . Both are excellent sources of potassium and vitamin A. If you do feed your dog a potato, it should be baked or boiled, with nothing added to … Supports a Strong Immune System – Sweet potatoes are rich in various vitamins (like A, B6, and C), minerals, and antioxidants that support a strong immune system.While both orange and purple sweet potatoes offer immune-boosting nutrients, according to Dr. Karen Becker, “Sweet potatoes with purple flesh have potent antioxidant and … Fresh sweet potato sprouts are edible too (unlike regular potato sprouts). The other is Stokes Purple, a name patented by a … Are sweet potatoes good for dogs? You can pick them up at the grocery store, slice them thinly, and dehydrate them for dog and human treats. So, your dog needs to get a balanced diet and a significant amount of calcium in order to maintain healthy bones. Due to excessive vitamin A. Where it can be easy to eat around the sweet potato in a meal, with a treat it's all or nothing, and your dog will usually go with all. When giving your dog his first serving, you can mix the sweet potato into his regular dog food. Like with any food, moderation is key. Like most things that both we eat and our dogs eat, much of the answer lies in the preparation of the food item in question. Answer a few simple questions and find the right dog for you, Compare up to 5 different breeds side by side, Browse the AKC Marketplace to find the right puppy for you, Browse our extensive library of dog names for inspiration, Find out the best and worst foods for your dog and which to avoid. If you want a better way to give your dog the vitamins he needs, try berries and green veggies. Punched holes all over the sweet potato with a fork. They are a great snack. The answer is both yes and no. Skip the brown sugar, marshmallows, butter, syrup and other additions. Your curious pet may want to taste it. That said, ornamental sweet potato tubers are planted for their lovely chartreuse, purple or variegated trailing foliage that serves as the perfect counterpoint to offset annual blooms. Purple Sweet Potato is Good for People with Diabetes. But sweet potatoes are also a starchy carbohydrate. © The American Kennel Club, Inc. 2021. The proper dosage of vitamin D for your dog depends on the dog’s age, health condition and breed. Thanks. Yes, indeed. So, when you are introducing, any new food make sure that you first spare few minutes of your time and talk with your veterinarian. You should never feed your dog a raw sweet potato. To allow for even cooking within the time, pick sweet potatoes with an even shape and size. The short and sweet answer is – yes, but in moderation. Interestingly, if your dog’s diet is heavily based on the meat some calcium imbalance may be present, and even cause bone deficiencies. Sweet potato skins are consumable by dogs. After all, there are many kinds of potatoes, and in most cases, they could be found in regular dogs food. Sweet potatoes are much higher in carbohydrates than pumpkin due to their larger sugar content. My mom feeds our digs chicken, brown rice, and green beans as there dog food because our dogs get sick if they eat any canned sort of dog food so we stick with the real stuff. The Japanese sweet potato has a purple skin and yellow flesh, and its flavor is actually sweeter—something that dogs love—than the more popular orange varieties. So, if you are going to feed your dog sweet potatoes you are having a pretty easy job ahead of you, as you can do it in a variety of ways. Also, sweet potato is a great source of vitamins, potassium, iron, and carbohydrates. However, it is essential to give potatoes in small servings. All in, it will give your puppy more energy. One study involving diabetic rats found that consuming purple sweet potato extracts decreased blood fat levels and blood glucose levels. Next time you are at the market buying sweet potatoes, look around and see if you spot something a little different. For starters, they boast different antioxidants. For now, most veterinarians agree that you can give sweet potatoes to your dog as a treat as long as it does not make up more than ten percent of their diet. Also, if an owner feeds dog raw diet he should make sure that there is a proper balance between iron and other minerals. “The health benefits are the same for canines as they are for people,” says Dr. Rachel Barrack, a licensed veterinarian and certified veterinary acupuncturist at Animal Acupuncture in New York City. As we know, minerals have many vital purposes in the dog’s body that are mandatory for good doggy health. If the plant is moldy, it can result in severe respiratory problems. If you notice any strange behavior, contact your veterinarian again. However, you should never feed him with a raw form of this vegetable. How To Cook Purple Sweet Potato: Recipe & Nutrition Benefits Another interesting option is to try dehydrated sweet potatoes for dogs. Regardless of that fact, sweet potato comes with a few drawbacks. Sweet potato originated in the Americas during the 15th. Actually, in order for humans body to function normally, potassium is mandatory. What you see: Purple sprouts and stalks emerging from your sweet potato What it is: A sprouting sweet potato Eat or toss: Eat! Sweet potato dog treats are vitamin rich, easy to make and affordable. Founded in 1884, the AKC is the recognized and trusted expert in breed, health, and training information for dogs. I cooked her sweet potato in some water in the microwave, and peeling it, but a small amt. If she gives the go-ahead, start with a small amount to see how your dog reacts. You can stir it into a savory stew to feed a hungry crowd on game day, bake into a family-favorite casserole for a holiday meal, or simply roast a potato and eat it plain. In addition, don’t forget that dogs actually don’t need salt or any spice for better taste. Tagged as: benefits of sweet potato for dog, can dogs eat sweet potato, can dogs eat yam, is it OK to give dogs sweet potatoes, Thanksgiving food dogs can eat, veggies dogs can eat Related Readings Adorably Distracted Dog Sworn in as K9 Assistance Pooch [Video] From the UC Davis School of Medicine: “The U.S. Food and Drug Administration recently issued an alert about reports of canine dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) in dogs eating certain pet foods containing peas, lentils, other legume seeds, or potatoes as main ingredients. In addition, the two major oxygen-carrying proteins found in blood and muscle tissue – hemoglobin and myoglobin, depend on a central core of iron. Hi there, can a dog eat sweet potato skin if a small amount got it in the recipe? Solanine poisoning can cause heart problems, difficulty breathing, and gastrointestinal upset. Again, moderation is the key, as too much of good food can cause bone and muscle weakness. Though the sweet potato itself is healthy and safe, the vines are definitely not! If you are not sure the microwave heating time, you could heat it for several times to make it soft. “This is why they are a popular source of carbohydrate in commercial dog foods.”. Again the caveat of moderation applies, however sweet potatoes contain enough nutrients that are good for canines, making it a cheap and viable addition to their normal healthy dog food diet.. Can Dogs Eat Sweet Potato – Any Benefits? There are more than 8,000 varieties of sweet potato in a range of colors, including white, yellow, orange and purple, according to the International Potato Center 1.In addition to the flesh and skin, many parts of the plant, including the leaves, roots and vines, are edible. In general, carbohydrates, including sweet potatoes, should be just a daily part of a dog’s diet. Yes, they can. Unlike normal white potatoes that dogs should generally avoid, sweet potato is okay for your dog to eat. Identification. Some dog owners will use sweet potato and bake it into a treat. Preparing sweet potato is fast. According to Modern Dog Magazine sweet potato is one of the top 10 ‘people’ foods for dogs. What you see: Purple sprouts and stalks emerging from your sweet potato What it is: A sprouting sweet potato Eat or toss: Eat! Also, if your puppy is suffering from diarrhea you can feed him with sweet potato, in small doses, to ease his digestive troubles and reduce loose stools. If you have a garden containing the sweet potato vine and you have recently had to prune or uproot it, do not allow the debris to remain on the ground where your dog can easily reach it. They offer an abundance of health benefits, along with tasting delicious. Tubers should also be stored safely out of your dog… Next time you are at the market buying sweet potatoes, look around and see if you spot something a little different. So, sweet potato is safe for your dog. You should try it to. Download for tips on how to be the best dog owner you can be. Thanks. People often confuse sweet potato with yams. So, by incorporating sweet potato in dogs diet you will increase his potassium level or keep it balanced until all functions start working properly. You can find out what other natural remedies are good for gout to help relieve painful inflammation in your joints. Unfortunately, sweet potatoes can worsen allergies in dogs suffering hormonal imbalance. So, eating vines can cause numerous problems in your dog’s organism and even have poisonous effects. ANSWER: Sweet potato is safe for dogs, and can provide them a range of health benefits (and a sweet flavor they'll love). Avoid giving potatoes with … Start with a bite or two and if you don’t notice any change in dogs behavior or eating habits you are free to make sweet potato a regular addition to your canine’s diet. Humans can’t imagine their diet without potatoes. If you see yams in the grocery store, these might not be "true" yams, but a soft variety of sweet potato that was conveniently called a yam to differentiate it from firm sweet potatoes. Sweet potato vine poisoning is caused when your dog ingests the vines on the plant or the plant itself. Beta-carotene can also be a pigment that offers the sweet potato its own signature orange colour. What is a sweet potato? However, check with your veterinarian before adding sweet potato to your dog’s diet because too much vitamin A can cause bone problems and muscle weakness. Altogether, these are the minerals that can balance fluid in the body, and preserve nerve transmissions and muscle function. But, if you are feeding your canine sweet potato for a longer period of time and he shows no signs of itching, it means that you are balancing right and understand that moderation is the key. In addition, sweet potato is high in fiber which is great for digestive health. Sweet potatoes provide an excellent source of dietary fiber, which helps the digestive system function more effectively. And introduction sweet potato to your dog is a good way. In addition, they are mostly imported from Africa, as 95% of yams are grown there. A moderate quantity of sweet potato skin is healthy for most dogs. Also, yams skin can range in colors from white to reddish. Your dog should avoid eating raw sweet potato since it can be a choking hazard. Although sweet potato is safe for your dog, vines are a different story. 3 4 5. In addition, it converts vitamin A in a dog’s body. Sweet Potato Benefits. AKC actively advocates for responsible dog ownership and is dedicated to advancing dog sports. After Columbus' discoveries, they were brought to Asia, and varieties with white skin and speckled pale purple flesh were developed on the Japanese island of Okinawa. Studies have found that dogs, just like humans, show greater resistance to disease and have a better chance of recovery from injuries or illness when supplemented with vitamin C. For dogs that are diabetic, overweight, or less active, owners should proceed carefully and only give their dog a minimal amount of sweet potatoes. Never feed your dog raw potatoes, green potatoes, or potato plants. Whether it mashed, pureed, baked, or boiled; potatoes is a big help to a canine’s health. 1. In addition, vitamin D helps in the absorption of calcium. However, cooking a potato reduces the levels of solanine. Canines are found of sweet potato baked or cooked, and that’s the best way to serve them. Easily save as a PDF or print. But, make sure not to serve him too much as it can lead to non-desirable moments. They're also low in fat and contain vitamin B6, vitamin C, and manganese. A sweet potato with a small bunch of sprouts will still taste fine. 4. When introducing any new foods, first talk to your veterinarian. When feeding your dog a sweet potato, make sure it’s cooked and that the skin is removed; leaving the skin on makes it harder for your dog to digest. This can be a really tricky question for most people. Sweet potato vine is known for being full of toxic ingredients. The one colour you have to watch out for is green, which is not a healthy colour for potatoes to be. Consult Your Vet Even though sweet potatoes can be beneficial for dogs, it’s always a good idea to consult your veterinarian before changing or adding anything to your dog’s diet. Although it is safe for dogs to eat sweet potato skin, make sure that there is no mold (can be toxic) on it.Therefore, check the sweet potato skin thoroughly and scrub it well before feeding it to your canine companion. Interestingly, sweet potato comes with natural anti-inflammatory properties, which makes a great choice for dogs with food allergies. There are many available DIY ideas for this healthy snack. Frozen, they can last for up to 16 weeks. To convert the sugar to energy, your dog’s body releases insulin, and this sends the blood sugar to your cells. It’s important to only feed them sweet potato in small doses though, as they are high in sugar and carbs which can cause obesity, diabetes and pancreatitis in dogs. This means that when potassium gets dissolved in water, it produces positively charged ions that allows it to conduct electricity. All rights reserved. Adding extra fat and calories could make it too much of a good thing.” Hazelnuts Sweet potatoes can be great for dogs, if part of a balanced diet and fed in moderation. One is the Okinawan sweet potato, which is called beni imo in Japan; it's also known as the Hawaiian sweet potato or uala. You may store purple sweet potatoes the same way you store regular potatoes: in a cool, dry place. Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. It’s without much doubt that the question of whether dogs can eat sweet potatoes skins have closed a lot of people minds especially those who keep dogs as their pets. Moreover, these toxic ingredients have similar characteristics like LSD. It’s not very good for humans to eat potatoes … After all, dogs don’t need additional nutritional value if they intake enough vitamins and minerals through their regular meals. So, being high in fiber and low in fat makes sweet potato great for dog’s diet. Basically, both the first and secondary line of defenses can be improved by providing Beta-Carotene to a dog’s diet. But, if the amount of vitamin D is too high, it can be toxic to dogs. “They should be incorporated with caution in the diets of diabetic dogs, due to a high glycemic index,” says Dr. Barrack. The purple sweet potato goes by a few names, and there are two common varieties. Additionally, only feed your pet on cooked sweet potato dog food. The origin of the sweet potato is thought to come from Central or South America and it was domesticated more than 5,000 years ago. The alterations in heart function and structure can result in severe consequences such as congestive heart failure or sudden cardiac death. The best way for your dog to intake calcium is to absorb it together with the right amount of vitamin D and phosphorous. Potatoes are great for your dog. Eating purple sweet potato can help manage symptoms of diabetes because its flavonoids can help lower blood glucose levels. Additionally, dehydrated slices of sweet potato can be a nutritious treat for dogs in moderation. I have not fed it to her yet. Don’t allow your dog near sweet potato vines. How can something that is so tasteful and yummy, like sweet potato lead to something irritating like itchy skin? “Consult with your veterinarian before making any dietary changes.”, Barking Royalty does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If he likes it and tolerates it well, sweet potato can become a regular treat for your dog. Is this delicious fruit safe to share with dogs or not? Purple sweet potatoes will last between one to two weeks when stored in a cool, dry place — one that's warmer than the fridge temperature and cooler than room temperature. Essential info about dog health, training, sports and more. Carbohydrates, such as sweet potatoes, should not be a dog’s main source of nutrition; animal protein should be a daily part of their diet, as well. Basically, this means that in order for potassium to play its role in the body, it has to be in great balance. If you are trying to lose weight, including purple sweet potato in your diet can help … Watermelon – Watermelon is a whopping 92% water, making it the perfect thirst-quenching, hydrating treat for your pup on a hot summer day. There are also many DIY sweet potato recipes for dogs, like this dog-friendly sweet potato jerky recipe from the Humane Society. ... a dog can eat sweet potatoes. Sweet potatoes are just a nice addition to your dog’s regular diet. DCM is a disease of the heart muscle that leads to reduced heart pumping function and increased heart size. Sweet potato vine poisoning can cause vomiting, diarrhea, seizure, hallucinations, dilated pupils, drowsiness, difficulty swallowing, and more. Top Answer. Sweet potatoes are also low in fat and rich in vitamins A, B6, C, calcium, potassium, and iron (each play a vital role in overall wellness). Moreover, each mineral has a specific role. Can dogs eat sweet potatoes and yams? Do you really know which vegetables and fruits are safe for your dog? Plus, white potatoes have more carbohydrates which can lead to obesity and blood sugar problems. Potatoes are nutritious and provide vitamin B6, Fiber and beta carotene to your dog. Is sweet potato something you can share with your dog or should you ignore your dog's begging look? 3. Many veterinarians will recommend potatoes, along with carrots, cucumber, and other vegetables, to bolster your pet’s immune system and reduce weight gain. The above dog sweet potato treats can be stored in the refrigerator for up to three weeks. Well, do not serve raw sweet potato as it can lead to upset and inflamed stomach. In addition, you should never serve your dog a raw sweet potato. This article will give you a detailed answer. Sweet potato vine poisoning can cause vomiting, diarrhea, seizure, hallucinations, dilated pupils, drowsiness, difficulty swallowing, and more. In fact, potatoes can be a great source of vitamins and nutrients for our dogs. Can dog eat purple potato? All in, Beta-Carotene is extremely important when it comes to a building block for the immune system. In order for your dog to have healthy teeth and healthy bones calcium is mandatory. Not only are they difficult to chew, but they can upset your dog’s stomach and potentially cause intestinal blockage. Let the sweet potato cool until you can touch it, place it in a medium bowl. Starchy foods like sweet potato increase blood sugar levels rapidly. Why? I was just curious if my outside and inside dogs can eat sweet potatoes. 5. Sweet potatoes can be found in orange-fleshed tuber with copper-brown skin. The sweet potato is a popular starchy, root vegetable packed with fibre, antioxidants, vitamins like Vitamin B, C, and A, and minerals like iron, selenium, and calcium. To answer the question is Yes. The seeds are the most toxic if chewed and swallowed. Yes, most dogs can eat sweet potatoes in moderation and if properly prepared. They’re a superb source of fiber, so more than white berries, plus they feature fewer carbs. The story: Yumi R. of Washington, D.C. forgot abo Furthermore, iron is crucial for the proper formation of healthy red blood cells. Although dogs can eat carbohydrates, including sweet potatoes and white potatoes, they don't need carbohydrates. (100+ foods covered). “As with human nutrition, canine nutrition should be individualized,” says Standafer Lopez. With the arrival of Christopher Columbus sweet potato become a staple crop. Dogs can safely enjoy the skin of this tropical fruit. While the most common cause of DCM is genetic, on rare occasions other factors can also result in the condition, particularly in breeds that are not frequently affected.”. Can dogs eat pears? Either way, yams and sweet potatoes are nontoxic to dogs and cats, says Ahna Brutlag, DVM, with Pet Poison Helpline, an organization … The story: Yumi R. of Washington, D.C. forgot abo Significant quantities of molybdenum, chromium and selenium can also be found just beneath the potato’s skin. Purple sweet potato benefits are plentiful, making this variation to the normal sweet potato worth seeking out. And if we love potatoes so much, the chances are that our furry friends will love it as well. Your dog can already get his daily carbohydrate need in his dog food so sweet potatoes are just a treat. Eating fiber on a regular basis lowers the risk of heart disease and certain types of cancers. Sweet potatoes are great for digestive health because they're high in dietary fiber. Iron is the key mineral in your dog’s diet. “Too much of a good thing can cause bone and muscle weakness, due to excessive vitamin A,” Dr. Barrack stresses. You can either add a little cooked sweet potato to your pup’s food bowl or use it to make homemade dog treats. Dr. Becker adds, “A cooked, mashed sweet potato is a tasty addition to a dog’s meals in moderation. And, remember, too much of fiber leads to gastrointestinal issues. an alert about reports of canine dilated cardiomyopathy, iy_2021; im_02; id_05; ih_11; imh_26; i_epoch:1612553216856, py_2021; pm_01; pd_25; ph_07; pmh_53; p_epoch:1611589992105, link-block-publisher; link-block-publisher_link-block-publisher; bodystr, pn_tstr:Mon Jan 25 07:53:12 PST 2021; pn_epoch:1611589992105. Yams are usually found in specially equipped stores as they are mostly imported. Because sweet potatoes are high in carbohydrates, eating excessive amounts can lead to obesity, pancreatitis, or diabetes. In fact, many pet food manufacturers include sweet potatoes in their dog food formulations. Even 90% of total body potassium store is found in the body’s cells. I was just curious if my outside and inside dogs can eat sweet potatoes. Wiki User Answered . is in the food. They're also low in fat and contain vitamin B6, vitamin C, and manganese. The amino acids in sweet potatoes help maintain healthy, strong and lean muscles. Also, potassium is called an electrolyte because it has high reactivity with water. Surprisingly, sweet potato is a great source of manganese, potassium, and magnesium. There are many benefits when it comes to your dog eating sweet potato. The sweet potato, or Ipomoea batatas, is an important food crop around the world. They are low in sugar and rich in nutrients. So, you can feed your dog, adult, and puppy as well, with sweet potatoes and white potatoes as well, but never as the main part of their diet. Your dog is looking at you with those "please-give-me" eyes while you're eating your apple...The big... Are you a big fan of this healthy vegetable and you would like to share some... 15 Reasons Why Your Dog Is Breathing Fast, 10 Reasons Why Your Dog Won’t Eat (But Drinking Water), Puppy Vaccination Schedule – Shots Your Puppy Needs. Can Dogs Eat Sweet Potato Skins? Discover if your... Mangoes are a delicious tropical fruit and dogs can enjoy it as well. Not only are they difficult to chew, but they can upset your dog’s stomach and potentially cause intestinal blockage. Other dogs may also find it easy to digest sweet potato skin but others may find it harder to do. Or, you can see them with a soft and pale flesh with golden-skin. The sweet potato is a popular ingredient in many classic, cool-weather recipes. Columbus loved this vegetable so much that he brought the orange potato with him, back to Spain. If you are not a huge sweet lover, you can go for a golden option as it tends to be less sweet. Interestingly, these proteins cannon be made by the body without the proper intake of iron-containing foods. Also, its thought to reduce the risk of certain types of cancer and even provide protection when it comes to fighting heart disease. For most dogs, yes sweet potatoes can be good for them. Lack of iron can contribute to health problems including anemia. Green potato poisoning in dogs occurs when a dog consumes too much solanine, which is a glycoalkaloid naturally produced in green or raw potatoes, potato skins, and the foliage from the potato plant. My Cocker Spaniel eats Dr. Harvey’s whole fresh food for dogs, and both formulas he consumes contain sweet potatoes. There is no difference if you serve them in small servings, cooked ones or unseasoned. Sweet potatoes are great for digestive health because they're high in dietary fiber. Dogs, evolved from wolves in the carnivora order, are designed primarily to chew and digest meat and bones, but they live as omnivores, eating meats and plants. So, what’s the right sweet potato portion for your dog? With people beginning to incorporate the potato back into their diets, one may wonder if the potato may be shared with their pets. However, it can be used as a replacement for dogs that suffer gluten intolerance. Always talk to your veterinarian first if you feel that your dog should be on any supplement. This e-book is a great resource for anyone who's considering dog ownership or already owns a dog. For example, vitamin A is essential for maintaining healthy eyes, muscles, nerves, and skin. Well, this depends on many different factors, such as the dog’s overall health, activity level, and dog’s size. 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